Did you know that the word “camouflage” is derived from the French word “camoufler,” which means to blind or disguise. Camouflage generally uses two main elements to disguise-color and pattern, and there are a number of different camouflage styles, including woodland, arctic, desert, and urban. Interestingly enough, though camouflage is typically associated with the military and used commonly by hunters, there are a bevy of camouflage products for sale in stores across the country, including camo bedding sets, camouflage baby bedding, and an assortment of camo clothing options.
Military camouflage first became popular among the United States Military during World War I. In America, the most common camouflage pattern today is the United States woodland pattern, although there are a number of other options available. People don’t just buy camouflage clothing, they often buy camouflage bedding and even camo formal wear. Recently, a number of couples have had camouflage themed weddings, which included camo wedding dresses, decorations and even tuxedos.
At the end of the day, whether you want camouflage baby bedding sets, camo formal dresses or tuxedos, or any other type of camouflage product, your best bet would be either to check out your local sporting goods store or head to the internet. If you use a search engine and type in “camouflage products,” you might be amazed at what comes up. You might just find the camouflage product you’ve always been looking for-and there’s a good chance it has already been made and is simply waiting for you.