Everybody needs to clean their home every now and again. When it comes to bigger industries and large office buildings, there are usually more than one janitor making sure everything is in tip-top shape. While you may not realize it, cleanliness and organization are elements that can set a business up for success. When you are thinking about opening your very own business offering commercial janitor services, there are quite a few things that you should keep in mind before you begin. In this video, we will take a look at some basic dos and don’ts of opening a commercial cleaning business.
When you are starting a small business, networking is everything. Without connections in the field you are trying to jump into, you won’t go far. Get out there and go to events. Talk with other big janitorial companies near you, and see where they started out. Start out by putting a lot of your resources into training and HR. Incorporate an in-depth hiring process and provide support to your new workers whenever they need. Finally, don’t lower your prices just to get a one-time job. Stay consistent.