As opposed to wild animals, live stock and working animals, pets are domestic animals that you keep in the house. Pets like dogs and cats become part of the household and need to be treated like members of the family. While there are a number of animals and birds that people keep as pets, but dogs and cats are the most popular.
One of the main reasons for this is that they offer companionship and have some human traits in them. They are attached to family members and show their love, they love to play like children and can be quite particular about the food they consume. Again like people they also fall sick and require medical care. People who love keeping pets mourn the loss of a pet like they grieve the loss of a loved one.
Getting a pet is the easy part, as all you need to do is select the pet that you want to get and then search around and purchase it from a pet store or kennel. But once you bring the pet home you have to start looking after it. This is where your patience gets tested especially if you have purchased a pup or a kitten. You need to look after them like you would look after children.
You to give them time and train them and feed them. Also when purchasing a pet you have to make sure that you have sufficient place to keep the pet and most importantly you have the time to look after them. If you are unfamiliar with keeping pets then it would be advisable that you read up about pet care before you get one.
Pets can be quite a handful to take care of as some of them are extremely energetic and excitable and need to be exercised daily. You should also take your pet to a vet and get it checked up and get some pointers on how to look after it from the vet. However once you have trained and house broken a pet, it will become a loving companion. You will enjoy the total love and companionship that a pet will give you. Having to walk a dog daily will give you the opportunity to exercise along with the pet and you will get to meet other pet owners as well. You must make sure that you feed your pets the food that they like. Pets blend into the household and develop a very strong bond with their owners.