When putting the finishing touches on a new home, remodeling a current home or adding on a new room to a home or office building, be sure to consider the installation of custom screen doors. The inclusion of custom screen doors can be for interior design purposes, practical reasons or to bring some variety to the living or work space.
Custom screen doors are easy to install, though they should not be set into a wall without the proper supervision of a professional and some research into how much the custom screen doors will cost, whether they will fit on a wall without impacting the structural integrity of the wall and whether or not they make good sense in the climate of the building. Because these screen doors most often feature unique glass, it is best to include them on a building in areas where there are not heavy winds or tornado risks that could cause them to be compromised with little or zero notice, because replacing them is not an expense anyone wants to cover.
There are such factors to consider as the size of the custom screen doors, the handle style and type, the trim, the sort of glass that will be included and where in the building or home they will go. Any load-bearing wall, or wall that has studs in it to keep the building in place, is a tricky spot for custom screen doors, because the door cannot take the place of those beams and studs that preserve the structural integrity if there is just wood and glass in their place. Be sure to consult an architectural or contracting professional for advice on whether or not a given wall may make a good spot for the custom screen doors.
If the choice to include custom screen doors in the place of an existing door jamb is being made, this simplifies matters down right to finding a designer who can work with the customer on how they want it to look, the amount of wood, glass or other material that it will include, the weight of the door and what it will cost to get each of these details perfect. Start by asking a trusted source of around-the-house work or hardware professional about where to find a door design professional, then get in contact with them to sort out the remaining details between idea, construction and eventual installation.