Stormwater Pollution is a big concern for everyone. There are stormwater pollution prevention plans that can be implemented to control stormwater pollution. We all need clean drinking water to stay healthy and to thrive. When stormwater that is polluted is allowed to get into the drinking water systems where we live it requires an entire process to clean it up. Stormwater pollution prevention is the first step to having clean drinking water. Stormwater pollution prevention requires the best management practices to be implemented to control stormwater runoff.
Stormwater pollution prevention is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of all or our water resources. Businesses are required to get a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit before building and developing an area. In order to get this permit you have to comply with certain requirements. For instance, there must be a team that develops a stormwater pollution prevention plan that they have to show in order to get the permit.
Stormwater pollution prevention also requires the business to identify potential pollutants in the are where the stormwater is. The business must also come up with a way to manage stormwater runnof. The business must also take inventory on the different types of materials they are using or storing on their property. A plan for spill prevention and for an adequate response to a spill must also be presented. Employees will also have to be trained and schooled on stormwater pollution prevention. Care must be taken to prevent soil erosion and sediment collection that can be the result of stormwater runoff.
A good stormwater pollution prevention plan should also take into account non stormwater discharges that may be discharged into a storm sewer. All of these steps and more are required by the EPA to ensure safe drinking water and safety for the environment. Business can find out more about the rules and requirements in their area by contact officials at stormwater management plants. You can also check with local authorities about the need to have a good stormwater pollution prevention plan in place in and around your business facility.