Food establishments must ensure that they have a good quality food and hygiene course so that they can learn properly about food and sanitation. With the right kind of food safety course you can learn about handling food and even get a food handling certificate so that you can show everyone that your establishment is trained properly on how to work with food. Look for a food handling course that aligns with your needs so that you can be certain you have the training necessary for your food handling requirements.
The web is good to seek out a food handling course that works for your requirements. Online you can search for different providers of a food handling course based on your needs. The ERS has shown that the cost of illness caused by E. coli is over $470 million. Salmonellosis, another illness that comes from food bacteria, costs over $2.6 billion annually. Because of this you must find food handling training to prevent your customers from suffering from these conditions.
Infection from the Campylobacter jejuni bacterium is a common factor of risk for Guillain Barr syndrome, a disorder that can cause muscle weakness and paraylsis. E. Coli, another deadly toxin, causes over 70,000 cases of food sickness annually in the US and is found often in beef, raw milk, and unpasteurized juices. Be sure that your team washes their hands with warm water for 20 seconds before and after handling food to prevent these problems from plaguing your establishment.
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