In a 3 year study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology that followed 4,045 psychosis free people, the conclusion was drawn that marijuana smokers are three times as likely to develop psychotic issues as non smokers. There are many different types of people that need cannabis treatment to find out how to quit smoking pot. If you are a marijuana addict that is facing problems relating to marijuana abuse, be sure that you look for a marijuana addiction program to help with your cannabis addiction.
Data from reports in 2011 showed that 22.6 percent of high school seniors in the US had tried marijuana in the past 30 days, while only 18.7 percent had smoked cigarettes. While marijuana is still a controlled substance under federal regulations, 13 states have allowed medical marijuana use. Many people suffer cannabis addiction and need to find a way to resolve these problems so that they can enjoy a better quality of life. Taxpayers in the US pay roughly $10 billion each year for marijuana prohibition costs to arrest more than 850,000 people every year. Many of these people suffer from cannabis addiction.
The symptoms of cannabis withdrawal begin within one to three days of abstaining from the drug and can last for months. Find a good program to help you or someone that you care about overcome issues relating to cannabis withdrawal so that they can regain control of their life. With the right addiction program, it is easier to kick the habit of smoking marijuana for good.