If you enjoy writing, then blogging is probably something you should look into. Blogging is a great way of getting your creativity out, and the best party about blogging is how easy it is to make your writing available to a large group of people. When I am blogging, I know where to submit my blog. I could look at a blog article directory if you did not know where to submit my blog. When you create blogs, you need a great site to submit blog articles. When I complete a blog, I know that when I submit my blog, it will be posted on the internet for all to see. After I submit my blog, I like to first check to make sure that the link to the website works. Perhaps one time in the course of my blogging I have found a link that did not work. After I submit my blog, I have learned it is important to check the link. If you are happy with the website you have, then by all means keep submitting your blog to that website. I am happy with the website I use to submit my blog, and I hope that you are as well.