In Texas drunk driving is a serious crime and people do get caught and arrested for it. In 2010 there were 94,533 DWI arrests, so the police are on the look out for anyone that is driving while intoxicated. If you get arrested for it, you’ll definitely want to hire a defense attorney Houston that is listed as a Dwi attorney houston. Someone that gets arrested for this crime can spend a minimum sentence of 72 hours in jail and get fined up to $500. A DUI charge is one where you get charged for driving while under the influence of some type of drug. A DWI is driving while intoxicated.
Houston criminal defense attorneys take all kinds of criminal cases though. Did you know you could be arrested for a felony if you get caught with a firearm in a bar or nightclub in Texas? The establishment has to be making at least 51 percent of its profits from the sale of alcohol though. Your criminal defense attorney Houston can find out all the details on this if you are ever arrested with a firearm in a bar. You’ll definitely want to hire a defense attorney Houston if you are though.
People who hire their own criminal defense attorney Houston generally get better representation than if they just ask for a court ordered public defender. Criminal charges can be very serious so you’ll want to make sure you get the best defense attorney Houston Texas possible. A defense attorney Houston is someone who will work hard to negotiate a plea bargain for you or try to at least get the charges lowered as much as they can, especially if you are guilty of some kind of criminal offense.
The last thing you want to do is to try to represent yourself before the judge if you get charged with a crime. A criminal defense attorney Houston is going to be well versed in criminal law and will know all the best ways to present a defense for you. If you or a loved one has been arrested for a DWI, DUI or any other crime, don’t hesitate to get advice from a defense attorney Houston. A defense attorney Houston will make sure you get the best defense a lawyer can provide. More can be found here: www.criminallawpartners.com