Not to sound snobby, but I am a total catch. I love all kinds of activities and adventures. I am involved with Bay Area hiking clubs. And I am pretty chill. But when it comes to dating bay area options are not as widely available as you would think they might be in a booming metropolis.
Since I moved here I have dabbled in Bay Area dating. I have perused different events and adventures. I have even gone south on 101 for some South Bay dating. Over the last few months, I have found that Bay Area dating, outside of my friend circle, is not as easy as I hoped it would be. I am talking about dating. There are a lot of attractive, intelligent, available women around who seem to agree with me. Modern Bay Area dating is just a little tough. I think it is time for me to call in the reinforcements. I can try online or more social clubs or break my rule about not dating guys at work…
What do you think is the best road leading to Bay Area Dating?