Given the state of public education, parents who can afford it cannot be blamed for choosing to send their children to a private day schools, Christian Schools, independent day schools, private high schools. However, some parents do not choose to send their children to private day schools or independent schools because they feel like the teachers or curricula are superior, it is to avoid exposing their children to public school environments. Although public school teachers have come under fire as students continue to perform poorly on state and national tests that are largely meaningless, it is the environment of many public schools that is most toxic. As such, even parents who do not consider themselves Christians will sometimes choose a Christian education in order to avoid sending their kids to public schools.
For anyone who has had the distinct pleasure of experiencing the environment of the typical urban high school, unless they are used to it, they were most likely taken aback for several reasons. It is a common daily occurrence for students in public schools to use inappropriate language not only among each other, but toward teachers during class. Additionally, the frequency of students acting out has reached the point that it is expected several times on a daily basis. Thus, much class time is wasted by attempting to discipline students whom public school administrators refuse to do anything about. So what sounds better, sending your child there, or sending him or her to a private day school? While a day school or or Norfolk private school will cost more, saving your child from the public school system is often worth it.