DRTV production is a great way to sell product. A study done by the Wharton school confirms that a well crafted video by DRTV production speeds up buying decisions by 72 percent and increases information retention by 50 percent. Thus, a lot of your marketing strategy should incorporate infomercial production companies. According to the Columbia School of Journalism, consumers find news stories to be more credible than advertisements. If you work with good infomercial production companies on your DRTV production, your DRTV production infomercial will come across like a news feature rather than a marketing strategy, which is exactly what consumers are looking for. Also, people still like to watch TV, according to the fifth edition of the Deloitte “State of the Media Democracy” survey in which almost three quarters of Americans confirm that watching TV on any device is their favorite media related activity. As well, 86 out of 100 Americans assert that advertisements on TV have the greatest impact on what they purchase. As such, advertising your Premiere Disney toys or other products will reach a large audience.
DRTV companies can aid your bottom line by taking less time in the edit bay and giving customers good information about your product that is rendered in an entertaining manner. Direct response production of your infomercial DRTV will have a positive effect on your business by capitalizing on the level of multitasking American consumers do while watching TV. While watching TV, 42 percent of consumers are online, 26 percent are texting, and 29 percent are talking on the phone. 61 percent of consumers are on social media which is dominated by instant streaming that can be used to your DRTV production advantage. Americans love watching TV, especially shows directed by people such as Michael Palance. Your marketing strategy can take advantage of this. Read more like this: tvamediagroup.com