Many people might think that email marketing is old-fashioned; an artifact of a time before social media took off. Consequently, it is social media and mobile marketing that get all of the attention nowadays. However, email marketing is anything but an extinct internet marketing technique. In fact, email marketing can be used to make social media marketing strategies more effective. Here is some information for anybody looking to take advantage of email marketing or resell email marketing.
First, what is email marketing, exactly, and how can it help out your business? Email marketing is the simple act of sending an email to a group of people in the hopes that they will purchase whatever product or service you are selling. It’s generally used to build loyalty, trust, and brand awareness with your customers. However, this simple definition has led many people to believe that all email marketing will be treated as spam. The thinking goes, if a customer doesn’t know who this email is from, then why would they open it? While it’s true that this line of thinking is unavoidable in some cases, there are several reasons your business should be using email marketing or outsourcing it to an email marketing reseller.
Anybody that is interested in beginning to resell email marketing, or use email marketing for their own business, should first be drawn to it because of its cost-effectiveness. Compared with traditional direct marketing, email marketing can save a company thousands of dollars. A marketing campaign that uses traditional mail can run thousands of dollars because of all the costs that go into things like producing artwork, printing, addressing, and mailing. On the other hand, email marketing requires much less of a time and money investment. Additionally, when you start to resell email marketing you will realize that it is completely targeted. It can be used to contact only customers that are already interested in your product or service, allowing you to provide more relevant information and content.
In addition to its cheap and targeted nature, email marketing provides immediacy that cannot be found in traditional direct marketing campaigns. The immediacy of email can reduce any delays in communication and allow your business to run more smoothly. There is no need to wait for results with email marketing. Since your email is delivered instantaneously, you will be able to know almost immediately how effective it is. You won’t have to wait days or weeks like you might with direct marketing.
I know almost nobody that reads unsolicited emails from businesses. Pretty much anything that hits my inbox that isn’t from somebody I know goes straight to the trash.
I know almost nobody that reads unsolicited emails from businesses. Pretty much anything that hits my inbox that isn’t from somebody I know goes straight to the trash.