Did you know that two hundred million gallons of used oil are incorrectly disposed of each year according to the Environmental Protection Agency? Because motor oil is made from both petroleum based and non petroleum synthesized chemical compounds, it is important that it is disposed of properly. This is something to consider when choosing car oil change locations. If you care about environmental regulations and API oil ratings, you should do some research into the oil change locations you frequent in order to make sure that they are on the up and up.
The modern plastic motor oil bottle initially was introduced in the 1980s. Prior to that, motor oil was stored either in glass bottles, metal cans, or cans made from both metal and cardboard. Now, car oil change locations are supposed to store oil in plastic bottles. This is something you should keep an eye out for when you get an oil change at car oil change locations.
An estimated 10 to 15 percent percent of motor oil in America is re refined, as compared to about 50 percent of motor oil in Europe. When you take your car in for an oil change, you should make sure that the best motor oil is being used, whether or not it is re refined. Mechanics at car oil change locations should be able to tell you all about engine oil that they use.
Getting your oil checked on a frequent basis at car oil change locations is a very good idea. If you have too little oil in your car, the temperature of the oil may become too high because heat from the engine is more concentrated. This could lead to your engine overheating, which is not a good thing to have happen when you are driving.