There is a very common issue that faces numerous homeowners. This issue is water damage that can happen due to any number of factors. However, leaks are one of the most common causes of damage that may require water damage cleanup. Statistics show that 93 percent of all water damage could have prevented. Just by making sure your pipes are in good shape can help prevent damage. Did you know that a small one eighth inch crack in a pipe can release up to 250 gallons of water a day. With that much water coming into your house, it is pretty certain that you will need water damage cleanup if you do not repair that pipe.
Water damage and leaks can also be a health hazard. Water leaks can result in the growth of black mold. Mold thrives in moist spaces that do not have adequate ventilation. Mold growth is not something that should be ignored. Mold damage has resulted in some very large jury verdicts. These verdicts include $14 million in Florida, $18 million in California, and $32 million in Texas. As you can see mold damage is nothing to sneeze at.
Water damage cleanup services can help you if you are experiencing mold or other damages created by mold. Water damage clean up specialists can also help with smoke damage that may be a result of a fire. Water damage cleanup technicians understand how different household materials may reaction to heat, fire, and smoke. They can treat these materials after fire or water damage.
Water damage cleanup may not be something a homeowner should try by themselves. If you do not really understand the full extent of the water damage cleanup process, you can open up your home to additional damage, such as a mold infestation. Water damage cleanup professionals can provide the services that can ensure your home is properly cleaned up and repaired.
When you use water damage cleanup services for water damage repairs, you will likely not suffer more damage or property loss that may come with trying to do the processes yourself. You do not want to miss potential threats that can come later, such as that insidious mold.
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