Have you contacted the movers yet? Don’t do it just yet. Take a minute to research some helpful moving tips online first. Who knows, you just may come away with enough helpful knowledge that you might feel confident enough to do your own move without hiring a company to do the move for you. Do yourself the favor, invest the time and not the money, and check this out.
- Moving Checklists
- Local Moving Checklists
- Long Distance Moving Checklists
Believe it or not, something as simple as a checklist may be all that is separating you from a quick, easy, definitively stress-free move. When you think about it logically, from a removed point of view, a checklist may seem extraneous. Why would you need a list telling you what to do when you’ve done it all before?
But now think about every one of those moves. Up until the time when you park the truck at your new place, it’s all scrambling, trying to make sure everything is as it should be, right? By following the checklist, starting as early as a month in advance, you can make sure that every task is being taken care of, when it needs to be. As long as you follow it to the letter, there will never be a time of “Oh no! I forgot the (insert important thing here)!”
Believe it or not, where you’re moving could actually determine what you do in the checklist, and when you do it. For instance, if you’re only moving locally, you can go to get the keys and sign papers anytime that you want. You can schedule a time to go see the new place right before the move if you want. Being local, you won’t need to sign up for new internet or power, you can just transfer ownership to the new house, so that procedure can be simple, and you can call about that a few days before the move.
Moving long distance is another story. You’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to go out to see the new place before the move. Even if you go and like it, the landlord still has to decide if they will be renting to you, and will have to draw up a lease. Then you’ll have to schedule another time to get out there and sign everything and get the keys. You may need to talk to someone about signing up for all new power and internet/cable, which is certainly more of a lengthy process than just calling the company to switch things over to a different location.
How do you feel about the move now? A little more confident, I hope. Now that you think about it, it just makes sense. But that’s the problem with moves: there’s so much going on and so much stress that common sense has a tendency to go right out the window. Help your sense with a written list of what you should be doing, every step of the way. Check out this site for more.