Almost all furniture design stems from thousands of years of historic influence. Dining set furniture, bedroom set furniture, and even some modern furniture design – they all have deep historical influence. Take office furniture, for example: The first desks did not appear until the late 17th century as bureaus, also known as a sloping front desk, featuring a writing surface that could be opened and closed. How about using cushions on your dining room chair sets? Ever wonder where that concept came from? It was the Medieval era, cushions were used to ease the hardness of the wooden stool or chair. These cushions came in a variety of colorful patterns and colors, and were used in both poor and wealthy homes, much like they are today!
It doesn’t matter where you look, every piece of furniture has some sort of historical influence to it. In the House of Commons in the UK and in Canada, the chair is known to be an emblem of authority. This recognition of authority comes from thousands of years ago, when only powerful leaders were allowed to own chairs. Other government establishments feature historic furniture influence. There were only four desks made from the wood of the popular British naval ship known as HMS Resolute; one was a large Partners Desk for President Rutherford B. Hayes, a smaller desk was made for the widow of Henry Grinnell, and two were made for the Queen Victoria. One of which she gave to the President and the people of the United States and one for herself to be placed on her yacht.
Queen size bedroom sets have history from – you guessed it – royal influence. Royal kings had bedroom sets that were the largest of the house, while the queen had a smaller, yet fairly large, queen size bedroom sets. Although the sizes of these bedroom sets were most likely much smaller hundreds of years ago than they are today, royal families had the best quality of sleeping arrangements, among many other things, of course.
Leather furniture is another popular modern design with historical influence from hundreds of years ago. Leather furniture is incredibly popular today, mostly due to the great look and comfort leather provides when it’s combined with furniture. If you are looking to purchase leather furniture, make sure it is made with genuine leather. Unlike imitation leathers, genuine leather will not become hot and sticky in summer, nor cold and clammy in winter.
It’s incredibly interesting to think that queen size bedroom sets, to even office furniture, all feature concepts and designs that originated hundreds, even thousands of years ago. Next time you are shopping for furniture, try to see if you can recognize a historical influence in some of the designs or functions.
Check out this site for more: www.serranosfurnituregalleries.com
Sweet! I always loved that desk in the oval office, made from the HMS resolute. It’s so cool.