Our digital age is no longer so forgiving of companies that haven’t yet gotten with the internet marketing program. A comprehensive strategy is essential to reaching potential clients, though far too many businesses and organizations have chosen to ignore internet marketing for reasons of fear, confusion, or plain old stubbornness. The fact is that the benefits of internet marketing far outweigh the challenges of implementing internet marketing solutions. The good news is that online marketing is far less confusing than it is often made out to be. Here, we’ll look at the six major components of a quality online marketing strategy. It’s simpler than you think.
- Web Design
Your website is the face of your company, whether you want to believe it or not. Many users will look at your website first, and use it to determine whether you’re really worth contacting. Your site needs to be professional, clean, and easy to navigate. Make sure it includes calls to action on multiple pages, is optimized for use on all browsers, including mobile browsers, and that it incorporates relevant keywords naturally and often in order to boost search rankings.
- Blog
It might seem like an extra, but your blog is really very important. As many as 57% of businesses have acquired at least one customer through their company blogs, prompting 81% to consider their blogs as important assets to their businesses. When you build yours, make sure readers can subscribe, share, and interact easily with your content.
- Search Engine Optimization
Often known as SEO, search engine optimization is all about being found. SEO helps your website rank more highly on search engines for relevant keywords so that users can find you more easily. Studies have shown that inbound leads like SEO cost 61% less than outbound leads, justifying a little investment in these techniques. As many as 80% of search engine users don’t use sponsored advertisements, so SEO is very important.
- Email Marketing
Emailing your customers and leads frequently helps you stay at the forefront of their minds. Use email marketing effectively by creating quality designs for your email templates and providing useful, relevant information on a regular basis.
- Social Media
About 65% of adult internet users use at least one social networking site, making them ideal places for businesses and organizations to advertise. Create accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Google+ to create community, stay on people’s radars, and reach more users at minimal cost.
- Analytics
There is little point in implementing an internet marketing strategy if you aren’t tracking its success. Measure important metrics about each component of your strategy if you really want to be able to improve and grow.
Internet marketing is arguably one of the most important investments for a company or organization looking to grow in the 21st century. If you’re ready to launch into a new strategy, get in touch with a specialist today. They can help you take your business to the next level. Read more here.