If you have been looking into tree trimming and wondering about the process because your backyard is starting to look a little messy, look no further. Tree trimming or as sometimes known as tree pruning is an essential part of keeping up with your trees.
For Your Safety
Having your tree extend out to certain areas can get quite dangerous, depending on where the hanging limbs are. One of the main factors you should be thinking about when it comes to tree trimming is safety. If after doing a tree inspection you notice some limbs may be causing a safety issue, that is when you should look into tree trimming.
For the Trees Health
An important part of the health of your trees is to remove the dead branches. Doing this pruning and trimming work will allow the tree to grow back even stronger and help to better withstand the elements of nature.
For Aesthetic Reasons
Many people turn to tree trimming due to aesthetic reasons. And it’s not a bad idea, having large trees in your yard can increase a home’s value from 3 to 15 percent. The only issue is once these large trees start to go out of control they can have the reverse effect and not look so aesthetically pleasing anymore and turn to an eyesore.
How Often To Trim?
The next question many homeowners have is how often should they trim their trees? Should they just wait until they notice a dead branch or believe there is a potential safety hazard? According to the Arbor Day Foundation, they recommend that homeowners should look into pruning or trimming their trees once a year during the dormant season. The specific dormant season will depend on which type of tree you have.
With saying this it should be noted once more, if the tree is posing a potential threat you should not wait until the dormant season and cut the tree or limbs off immediately.
Trimming the Trees
While trimming your trees can seem like an easy process, it is one that should be done with extreme caution. If you are currently thinking about tree trimming or pruning, make sure to get in contact with an expert today. Not only could they save you your time and money, they will also be the safest option.