After many years of service, bathtubs often lose their glaze and appear worn-out. Etches often appear due to corrosion. The YouTube video “Reglazing and Transforming and Old Bathtub” shows how a bathtub can be refurbished and reglazed by a bathtub renovation company.
First, temporarily unscrew the bathtub from the walls. Using a putty knife, wipe away any debris or caulk residue from around the bathtub’s holes.
Remove any stubborn stains using bleach, then scrub the entire area with an abrasive cleaner. Thoroughly rinse with fresh water. Mask off the floors and walls by surrounding the tub using drop cloths and painter’s tape. Because the epoxy coating is difficult to remove, be careful of spills and drops.
Etching powder can also be used to dull the finish and ensure that the new coating will adhere. Next, use sandpaper to scrub the tub. If you don’t have any etching powder, sanding is extremely critical. Rinse, wipe, and air dry the tub. After drying the tub, apply primers to prepare the tub for epoxy coating.
Lastly, mix the epoxy coating and apply it. Alternate between vertical and horizontal surfaces. Then reapply the caulk. Your bathroom reglazing process is complete.