When it comes to choosing a roofing material for your roof, it is best to ask your local residential roofing contractor for their advice and opinion on what you should choose. Someone with a lot of experience should be able to give you solid information. If you’re looking for a basic place to start, then the residential roofers in this video will be of great help to you.
In this video, the roofers will compare and contrast different kinds of roofing materials so that you can decide which one is best for your own home.
There are many kinds of roofing materials available and they each have their own pros and cons. The most common material that is used on residential homes is asphalt shingles. Even among these asphalt shingles, there are two different kinds, 3 tab and architectural. The reason it is the most popular is because of how cost-effective it is. The thicker the shingle is, the more it will cost, but the longer it will last. Other types are wooden and metal and tile or slate.