Most people around the world get braces, and no matter your age, it can seem like a scary process. The Youtube video “What To Know Before Getting Braces | 8 Tips To Prepare You For Braces” describes what you need to know before your dental appointment and how you can prepare. Let’s find out more!
Firstly, you should have a thorough dental cleaning before getting braces, and most orthodontists will make it a requirement. This is because your braces attach better to properly cleaned teeth.
A good tip to know is that you should bring chapstick to the appointment because the orthodontist will use tools to dry your mouth and teeth. So, there’s a chance you might get chapped lips.
Getting orthodontic wax is another great idea because it’ll take time to get used to braces. The metal pieces might rub awkwardly inside your mouth, but wax will lower your discomfort and prevent injuries. You also need to know that braces will limit your diet, as you might not be able to chew hard food for some time, so research what you can eat before your dental appointment. You can check the rest of the video for more details about getting braces, and contact us when you’re ready to change your smile!