While some Veterans enrolled in VA health care are eligible for free dental care from our providers, many are not. Others may be eligible for free care for some, but not all, of their dental needs. Here is some more information on what to know to qualify for VA dental service.
It depends on a number of factors, like your military service history and your current health and living situation.
Based on these factors, VA places you into a benefits class—and you get the specific benefits assigned to that class.
You qualify for VA dental care with a 100% service-connected VA rating. You also qualify if you’re unemployable due to your service-connected conditions and are paid at the 100% rate. This is also called Total Disability Individual Unemployability (TDIU). Also, if you’re a former POW, you can receive all dental care through the VA free of cost. If a VA dentist determines you have a dental condition that negatively impacts a service-connected condition, you’re eligible for no-cost VA dental care to treat that specific condition.
If you’re looking for additional dental service coverage, it is recommended to utilize an alternative insurance program like VADIP.