A single slip and fall incident can be devastating.
They remain one of the most notorious hazards of the modern construction industry and the general workforce alike. Poor weather can freeze over bridges and make railguards slippery. Bad equipment, such as footwear, can make work unreliable and increase the probability of a misplaced step. It’s the little things that can be easily overlooked…and exactly why you should consider looking at your work environment with a critical eye. To keep your workers safe means to stay ahead of the curve.
Nylon lifting straps and alloy steel chain slings are essential ingredients for any safe work environment. Here’s what you need to know.
Americans Face Several Hazards On-The-Clock
Every work environment has its own health risks. The construction industry is well-known for having the average worker regularly come face-to-face with dangerous equipment, unreliable weather, and long hours. OSHA was established decades ago to provide businesses of all shapes and sizes the strict regulations needed to keep everyone safe. Fall protection measures, for example, were first published back in the 1970’s. Today they are a significant risk, able to put someone in the hospital for a month or more.
Slip And Fall Incidents Are The Most Deadly Occurrence
Tripping and falling may not seem all that extreme, but just one slip and fall incident can have disastrous consequences. A concussion, broken bone, and even death are all very real issues that can emerge when one’s footing is compromised. The American Journal Of Emergency Medicine released a study stating more than one million Americans are injured on stairs every single year. One out of three elderly adults will also fall down a stairway in that amount of time. This is one area you would do well to focus on.
Stairways Need To Be Routinely Checked
The stairway is more tenuous than many make it out to be. A loose stair or wobbly handrail can keep someone from moving up and down safely, putting them at risk for a fall that can break their neck. Before you look into nylon lifting straps, double-checking your rails for sturdiness can be done by following OSHA regulations. Staircase accidents account for the second leading cause of accidental injury, right behind motor vehicle accidents. Parts for installing wire railings include nails, handlebars, and grips.
OSHA Regulations Need To Be Followed Closely
These rules are defined for a reason. They offer you a basic place to start while still addressing the unique rules of your industry. Under OSHA regulations guardrails are required to be at a height of 42 inches, give or take three inches in rare circumstances. By the time 2036 comes around OSHA’s Fall Protection Regulations state ladder safety systems will be required on all ladders with falls of 24 feet or more. Cable assembly is a little trickier, but will become more familiar with practice.
You Need To Upgrade Or Replace Outdated And Worn-Out Equipment
Even a slight lapse in the strength of your nylon lifting straps must be taken seriously. When the construction industry has falls remaining the leading cause of death, every little bit counts. Guardrail openings cannot be greater than 19 inches, as established by OSHA regulations, and your nylon lifting straps should be checked for durability on a regular basis. This means looking for stressed out parts and looking over the manufacturer requirements for weight distribution. Cable assembly should also be done with a professional nearby.
Keep your workers safe. Follow OSHA guidelines closely and make sure all equipment is sturdy year-round.