A piano is a musical instrument that is globally popular. It was first invented in Italy by Bartolomeo Cristofori in the early 1660s. Today, the piano came in different brands, models, shapes, and sizes. It is used worldwide to produce quality music and entertain people. Over millions of pianos were sold around the USA.
Discovering the story behind this invention is fascinating. There’s the magic behind the music, and the history of piano brands is still alive today.
The piano business was first organized in the United States. It was conceptualized through song boards, string wires, and furniture. Chicago is the first business capital of piano companies around the country because of its access to different cities. Piano brands can be local. Locals can also assemble the instrument and put all the strings and other materials in a box. A high-quality piano came from high skilled manufacturers.
A talented piano manufacturer can create and assemble excellent quality of this musical instrument. It is all beyond their craftsmanship to produce and top-notch quality of the piano. British-made piano has no back post. Piano companies keep the cost and material low to sell an affordable yet top-rated product.
Piano brands may depend on which country or manufacturers they came from. If you are interested to know stories behind piano branding, you can check them online or watch youtube videos.