Lyme disease is an infection caused by tick bite wherein the bacteria from the tick transfer through human. Some of the symptoms of Lyme disease are circular rash, chills, headache, fatigue, joint pains, muscle pain, fever and swollen lymph nodes. The disease is treated using antibiotics. However, for some people who have had the disease,…
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Orthopaedic Care Specialists in North Palm Beach Florida
Orthopaedic Care Specialists 733 US Hwy 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 (561) 840-1090 Dr. Lenard is committed to providing information and assistance to those seeking information regarding conditions and procedures related to the spine.
Keep the Weight Off with Delicious Whole Foods
Eating healthy is not always as easy as it might sound but one of the ways to make it easier is to look for organic foods or whole foods online. Across the nation, there are 17,600 organic certified farms, ranches, and other food related businesses nationwide producing organic food to fill stores and make finding…