News related blogs contain blog articles about current affairs or local events. Internet viewers visit these blogs and read blogger news articles as often as they visit the websites of their favourite newspapers. Blog articles are easy to post and easy to update. Many news reporters have their own blogs where they report events as they happen and give internet readers the latest online information about an event. These blogs updated by news reporters through their mobile devices have up to the moment online articles about important newsworthy events. Blogging news has become easy after creating and updating blogs became popular on the internet. Reporters can write blog articles with the news and their views on an easy to upload and update platform. Internet viewers can also easily access the news through these blog articles and get the latest news on a subject that interests them. Today internet visitors not only visit the website of their favourite newspaper for information but also articles in article directories and blog articles to get information. Blogs have up to the second information about events because bloggers can update the information instantly on their blogs. Blogs are similar to the logs maintained by captains of ships and information on blogs and blog articles are updated frequently so that the latest updates are available for readers looking for information on niche subjects. With the advent of RSS feeds internet readers could choose the type of blog articles they wish to read. Excerpts of articles posted on the blog are delivered to feed readers and internet readers can choose to read a blog article in detail after viewing the excerpt or feed of the article delivered by the feed reader. Blog articles have become one of the best sources to find up to date information about current affairs or important events on the internet.