Depending mostly on where you reside, veterinary prices could be extremely inexpensive or ridiculously outside of your price and affordability range. Hopefully you live in an area where the veterinary prices are pretty comparable across the board. Here is how you find this information out.
First, compare veterinarians who practice near where you reside or work. This list can be compiled through your Internet research, through a veterinarian directory or through collecting recommendations from others. What matters most here is a wide variety of veterinary professionals. To compare vets, include both pricing and services offered, since some practices are niche and boutique while others offer more general services.
Second, ask for veterinarian prices from each place. Many are not listed on the websites that these veterinary practices operate, so stop digging if nothing is found right away and dial up these places. Tell them briefly about your pet and your hopes to join the practice, but mention that you would like to know vet prices first. The person you speak with may direct you to someone else or to somewhere else where these prices are made available, or she could just give them to you over the phone.
Third, compare the various veterinary prices these practices have, both for annual checkups and for other veterinary services like shots and boarding. Pick a practice based on the best cost for you, but also weigh other factors too. Cost has to be among the top factors, but it cannot be the only one.