Hummus is a funny word, and many people associate the healthful food made from garbanzo beans with tofu and other “granola” types. Consumers sometimes refer to it as “hummus dip” or “hummus spread“, as its primary use is topping crackers, pita, or as a condiment. Its health benefits are numerous, as it is packed full with iron, vitamin C, folate, and vitamin B6. Even if you hear “hummus” and recoil in disgust at the unfamiliar, hummus dips come in a number of flavors that complement any range of dishes, ethnic, fusion, and otherwise. Market research from a couple years ago shows a significant increase in hummus consumption.
Traditional hummus was served in the Middle East, garnished by olive oil and some paprika or parsley. Hummus recipes are generally very simple, using less than seven ingredients. Sabra also offers hummus recipes on its website, as the benefits from eating hummus and its simplicity make it an easily incorporated ingredient for any meal. When it comes to the prepackaged type that Sabra sells, each serving is only 25 calories with two grams of carbohydrates, making it a significant improvement on other dips and dressings.