Have you ever heard of the “five second rule” where you can eat something that fell on the floor if you pick it up within five seconds? If so, did you know that is false info? A kid at the University of Illinois disproved that in 2003 when he was doing an internship there. His name was Jillian Clarke and he was just a high school kid doing an internship and apparently studying food safety and sanitation subjects. Food handling safety is very important and everyone should know about the proper kitchen hygiene practices for food preparation safety. Below you will find some interesting facts on food safety and sanitation.
For instance, did you know that 93 percent of everyone’s shoes are contaminated with fecal bacteria on their bottoms? How about the fact that the latin term for sausage is botulism? This is the bacteria that comes from improperly handled meat products. Also, salmonella can live on wood, tile and carpets for up to four weeks, according to researchers at the Clemson University. The term mysophobia, or germophobia is the term that they use for fear of germ contamination. They came up with that word in 1879.
These are all interesting facts to know when you study food safety and sanitation. Food safety and sanitation in the kitchen is the most important subject for anyone to learn about. You don’t have to work in the food industry to need to know about food safety and sanitation and current food safety facts today.