If you are one of many Americans who owe IRS money, you have definitely encountered the panic, stress and headaches that come with owing back taxes. The easiest way to get yourself out of this situation is by educating yourself about your rights and knowing your options.
First of all, you should know that if you owe IRS money, neither the state or federal government is allowed to take your property without due process of law. This is listed in the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. Therefore if you owe back taxes, the government cannot legally take your assets to satisfy a tax debt without giving you proper notification. This process is more commonly known as a levy. If you owe IRS money, the Constitution mandates that the IRS must inform you of the coming levy, and must provide you with an opportunity for you to be heard.
If the idea of filing your taxes seems daunting, or if you owe back taxes to the IRS, know that there are people out there who are willing to do this for you. There are approximately 1.2 million tax preparers in the United States. That means more than a million people want to take the stress off your shoulders and file your taxes for you. Crazy, right?
If owe IRS money, a tax preparer can help you owe IRS back taxes by explaining your options to you and finding the best one for your situation. Picking the right preparer is crucial in terms of trust and communication. The right tax preparer will make your life easier. If you are unsure about letting another person take control of your taxes, consider this: They Know Things.
They know that the Revenue Act of 1861 included the first federal income tax. Who else cares about this fact other than someone who enjoys handling taxes?
They know that governments in every level of the system in this country provide tax exemptions for some income, property, or persons. He or she will help you find the ones that apply to you.
They know the pressure involved if you owe IRS money, and will help you out of this situation at the most benefit to you. If you owe back taxes to irs, trust your preparer to assist you along the way so that in the future you will not have to worry if you owe IRS money.
Good references here.