In the past, large multinational corporations and small mom and pop shops alike used traditional marketing strategies to capture and retain customers for their products and services. One of the most of these popular marketing strategies involved planting print advertisements in popular newspapers and magazines. Another popular marketing strategy involved showcasing their products and services at large annual and semi annual conventions; the most successful companies always remembered to book booths at the conventions which attracted thousands (if not millions) of potential customers and investors.
Today, however, the internet and other digital technologies have obviated many of these traditional marketing strategies. Very few customers read newspapers and magazines today; even fewer customers and investors attend large conventions either. Instead, most customers learn about new products and services through Google searches or through social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter; in fact, many a responsive web design company has estimated that more than half of Americans use their smartphones to perform Google searches while they are standing in a brick and mortar store, desperately trying to decide if they want to purchase an item or not, whereas other Americans use their smartphones to locate companies and stores. Many of these smartphone users claimed that they preferred to browse websites which had been optimized for mobile phones (this means that these companies optimized the mobile websites to prominently display the most important information, such as the company’s hours, location, and contact information); these smartphones users claimed that they were more likely to shop from these companies in the future.
These statistics and facts help to explain why American companies collectively spent more than six point four billion dollars on smartphone marketing campaigns in 2012; it also helps to explain why companies also spent an additional one point five billion dollars on banner advertisements and other rich media advertisements; finally, it also helps to explain why companies spent an additional two point two billion dollars on search engine marketing strategies. Some of these companies are engineering their own internet marketing plans. However, many others are outsourcing these duties to a responsive web design company or a mobile website design in NJ. These companies prefer to outsource to a responsive web design company because the companies themselves simply lack the requisite time, energy, resources, and expertise to develop attractive websites internally; furthermore, they like to outsource these tasks to a responsive web design company because it gives them more time and energy to develop better products and services.
Some companies worry that outsourcing to a responsive web design company will cost an arm and a leg, but many have discovered that many a responsive web design company which offers Nj web design and development services has offered these companies relatively inexpensive rates for these responsive website design services. Some of these larger companies have been so pleased by the work produced by their responsive web design company that they decided to make the responsive web design company a full time partner. More on this topic: inflexioninteractive.com
Can anybody recommend any good responsive web design companies? I own a small mom and pop shop, so I cannot afford to pay an arm and a leg. I need discounts, and I need them now.
Why does the author focus so heavily upon responsive web design companies which are located in New Jersey? Everybody knows that responsive web design companies in New York are much better.
Why does the author focus so heavily upon responsive web design companies which are located in New Jersey? Everybody knows that responsive web design companies in New York are much better.
Why does the author focus so heavily upon responsive web design companies which are located in New Jersey? Everybody knows that responsive web design companies in New York are much better.
Why does the author focus so heavily upon responsive web design companies which are located in New Jersey? Everybody knows that responsive web design companies in New York are much better.
Why does the author focus so heavily upon responsive web design companies which are located in New Jersey? Everybody knows that responsive web design companies in New York are much better.
Why does the author focus so heavily upon responsive web design companies which are located in New Jersey? Everybody knows that responsive web design companies in New York are much better.