A point of use water cooler could be the perfect thing for anyone that wants to have access to clean, fresh water, but without the hassle of an old fashioned tank cooler. One of the best advantages that bottleless water coolers provide over the ones that use carboys of water is that no one will have to life and maneuver them into the right spot. That convenience alone could be enough to steer a lot of people to a point of use water cooler.
A study by Tufts University discovered that bacteria counts from 10 different traditional bottle equipped water coolers on their campus were as much as four times the 500 organism limit that the government recomments. A point of use water cooler could reduce the risk of ingesting something that one should not ingest. A bottleless water dispenser could provide cleaner, fresher water than most of the bottles sold at stores. IN 2009, almost half of the bottled water sold came from municipal tap water supplies.
These days, almost all every bottler water producer whether they are making five gallon carboys or personal sized water bottles, start with municipal water that is filtered and then bottled. Getting a point of use water cooler could easily be the better option. Filtered water coolers could be used in homes and offices. As many people know, the term “water cooler” has long been a metaphore for a place where employees and other people meet to chat and gossip.
I would love one of those things in my kitchen. It would be easier than buying bottles of water every week.
My Mother in law has a five gallon water jug dispenser in her kitchen, and swears by it. Reminds me of an old doctors office.
My Mother in law has a five gallon water jug dispenser in her kitchen, and swears by it. Reminds me of an old doctors office.
My Mother in law has a five gallon water jug dispenser in her kitchen, and swears by it. Reminds me of an old doctors office.
My Mother in law has a five gallon water jug dispenser in her kitchen, and swears by it. Reminds me of an old doctors office.
My Mother in law has a five gallon water jug dispenser in her kitchen, and swears by it. Reminds me of an old doctors office.
My Mother in law has a five gallon water jug dispenser in her kitchen, and swears by it. Reminds me of an old doctors office.