I needed adventure. I needed excitement. I needed to something more from my vacation, something that would make me feel really alive, you know?
So when looking for great new vacation ideas, I turned to the web, and found myself googling “elk hunting New Mexico,” “New mexico hunting,” and “elk hunting in new mexico.”
After all, hunting is one of the oldest activities known to man. At first, we hunted mammoth in groups, either by chasing it off a cliff or we used a combination of spears and large rocks.
The reason I searched for “elk hunting New Mexico,” is because New Mexico is widely considered a top state for elk and mule deer trophy hunting. My particular interest in “elk hunting New Mexico came from the fact that the elk is actually one of the largest species of deer in the entire world. In fact, elk are among the largest land mammals in North American and in eastern Asia. For the 2012 season, a whole 139,111 hunters submitted their applications to hunt big game in New Mexico.
The fact of the matter, hunting small game simply started to bore me. I had hunted rainbow trout previously, which were carnivorous predators that have been known to eat salmon eggs, eggs of other trout, crustaceans and smaller fish.
“Elk hunting New Mexico” has been the best search for me this year. I am glad that I booked my vacation, because I now feel the thrill and excitement that my life so desperately needed. Have any of you considered doing a similar search to my “elk hunting New Mexico?” What are some of your experiences? Please share in the comments!
I think that hunting is immoral and that we should all totally be vegan. Hunting is killing and killing is wrong. We need to treat our animal friends with respect.
Honey, hunting is the natural order of things. While the moral implications of hunting for pleasure might be a little bit questionable, there is no denying that hunting is a necessary part of our lives.
Honey, hunting is the natural order of things. While the moral implications of hunting for pleasure might be a little bit questionable, there is no denying that hunting is a necessary part of our lives.
Honey, hunting is the natural order of things. While the moral implications of hunting for pleasure might be a little bit questionable, there is no denying that hunting is a necessary part of our lives.
Honey, hunting is the natural order of things. While the moral implications of hunting for pleasure might be a little bit questionable, there is no denying that hunting is a necessary part of our lives.
Honey, hunting is the natural order of things. While the moral implications of hunting for pleasure might be a little bit questionable, there is no denying that hunting is a necessary part of our lives.