About 66 percent of people in America say that tooth replacement is not just a cosmetic procedure, but a necessary medical procedure as well. Dentures are considered obsolete due to the bulkiness and discomfort of these appliances. Dental implants are quickly replacing dentures as a popular tooth replacement procedure. Currently more than 20 million people in the U.S. are missing all of there natural teeth.
There are different types of dental implants that can be used depending on the situation of an individual. Most of these types of dental implants do use dental porcelain, or dental ceramic. It is considered the most natural looking of all available materials for crowns and other false teeth. Here is a quick overview of the types of dental implants.
A root form dental implant uses a screw that has the same shape as the root of the tooth. Types of dental implants such as this are the most common.
If your jawbone is not wide enough for bone grafting, a plate form dental implant may be used. These types of dental implants use a flat and long implant for a better fit.
If either of the above types of dental implants will not work due to bone width or height, a subperiosteal implant may be suggested. This is a custom made implant that rests on top of your jaw, under the gums.
Mini dental implants are those types of dental implants that are used to attach an implant supported denture or partial, and is generally less expensive that other types of dental implants.
All of these types of dental implants are performed under anesthesia and will have varying time for recovery and healing.
Depending on your individual situation, you will want to consult with a cosmetic dentistry services specialist. This cosmetic dental provider will consult with you about the dental implant process, as well as the type of dental implants costs. You may also talk to these cosmetic dentistry professionals about other procedures such as veneers. You will be able to walk away from these types of dental implants and services with a bright new smile.
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Great information. I thought there was only one type of implant.