In this video, you will learn about a server host. Running your own server can get expensive. What you can do instead is start a web hosting company.
You can do this very quickly and efficiently. The first thing you are going to want to do is to go to a reselling website. STarting out, you don’t need to pay for a lot. You can start out with a lower grade plan. A kick start plan is essentially the same as a starter pack. The amount of storage that you get, or the bandwidth varies. The amount of c-panel accounts, or websites you can host matters. You might be able to only host 20 websites to start. The reason we use certain hosting companies is going to depend on how fast they go and their capacities. Once you have decided what plan you want, you can see the different plans. These might allow you to have anywhere from 20 to unlimited accounts. YOu can start with the kick starter account and increase your server as you go. You don’t have to pay a ton of money up front.