If you are interested in learning more about what it’s like to be a lawyer, you should consider some advice from experienced people. As a lawyer, much of the time is spent in an office, doing tasks like citing cases, writing submissions, and others. Oftentimes, a lawyer firm is large and there are many hallways to walk through each day.
Most lawyers will begin their day by checking their email, and spend time filing and replying to clients/ administration. Being on the phone is another part of being in this field, and the number of phone calls varies, depending on what services you offer. Most days, reading cases and translating them will take up a large portion of the day, which involves writing as well. Direct client communication may not happen daily, but the other aspects of the process are important in order to keep the machine moving. A lawyer’s day should end when they leave the office, so a healthy work-life balance can occur, and the career can be more rewarding in the long run.