Most of us think of Minecraft as being a peaceful place where you herd animals, build houses, and enjoy the peaceful life. While this is mostly true of vanilla Minecraft other than the occasional creeper, there is a whole new side of Minecraft waiting to be experienced. There are plenty of scary mods just waiting to be downloaded. In fact, there are modpacks that group together the scariest mods into one experience. They can include numerous new monsters, scary dungeons, and more.
If this sounds like something you would like to try for yourself, you will need fast Minecraft server hosting to play with your friends. Who doesn’t love hearing their friends scream in horror about every five seconds anyway? If you want a little taste of how scary Minecraft can get, check out this video that showcases a scary Minecraft mod.
Whisperwoods is a mod for Minecraft Forge 1.16.5. It adds plenty of horrific creatures to the game. One looks similar to bigfoot and stalks players through the night. There are also wisps that will attempt to steal the player’s soul when they least suspect it. It doesn’t get much more scary than this mod.