Over time, the foundation of a house may settle or crack, requiring foundation repair. There are many signs both inside and outside your home that warrant foundation repair, so keep reading to learn the most common signs that you need foundation repair.
The first sign is a cracked or leaning chimney. The chimney is the heaviest portion f your home and is concentrated in a small space.
If the foundation or the soil under the foundation is unstable, the chimney will lean or bricks will crack.
The second sign is foundation settlement. This happens when the soil cant support the weight of your home, causing it to sink and settle.
The third sign is cracked bricks. This is more than a cosmetic issue, it can be an indication that your foundation needs repair. Especially when the cracks are beginning in the corner and leading toward a window or door.
Inside of your home, drywall cracks are one of the most common signs of foundation problems. Also, wall and floor cracks which are gaps between walls and floors, are signs that the structural framework under your home has been compromised.
To learn more, watch the video above!