Like most things in life, your stucco doesn’t last forever. Knowing when you need stucco repair can be tricky, so keep reading to learn the top signs that you need stucco repair.
The first sign you need stucco repair is if there are streaks of stains at the corners of the wall or roof. If you see these damages, you probably will also smell mold in your home.
The second sign you need stucco repair is if there is a crack on the stucco wall. These could be hairline cracks, spider cracks, patterned cracks, or diagonal cracks. Basically, any crack in your stucco will require repair.
The third sign you need stucco repair is if there are cracks on the foam trim. This happens when stucco installation is done improperly and will need to be fixed.
The last sign you need stucco repair is if you see a rust spot. it’s important to look carefully as it can be easy to overlook a small spot, but, overlooking it can damage the entire wall.
To learn more signs you need stucco repair, watch the video above!