Car buyers can save lots of money by checking out used car dealerships or online marketplaces rather than buying brand-new vehicles. This video teaches one how to test drive a used car, negotiate, and what to look for in the title.
Buying a used car presents a better value proposition but is riskier. The first thing a car buyer should do is set a budget. Consider the monthly payments, interest on a car loan, insurance, and maintenance. An older car may seem cheap at the moment, but the repair bills can erode whatever money is saved in its purchase.
After deciding on a budget, car buyers should list the features they value in a car and use these to build a target list (vehicles that meet the desired criteria.) Suitable measures include attractive mileage, good service history, and not having been in a crash. Next is the test drive. Before the test drive, compile or download a list of checks to make in the test drive. These checks should include everything from the car’s body to the driving feel. Lastly, inspect the title for details such as the car’s owner, mileage at the time of purchase, and whether the vehicle was a salvage.