If you’ve outgrown your current web hosting server due to high traffic demand or needed flexibility for new applications with an affordable service, you could benefit from a virtual private server. Here is a little background on the servers, and how to know if a VPS is right for you!
A Virtual private server is separated into several virtual machines called VPSs. Each machine works independently so businesses can start small and build up as they need more resources.
You can get single server VPS, where a number of VPSs can be hosted on one server. This is a lower-cost option because you are using one server for multiple VPSs. You are, however, limited to the physical constraints of one server, such as disc space.
Cloud VPS configuration, on the other hand, uses many servers to form a hardware cloud so the VPS is stored across multiple servers. In the event of a failure on one server, the VPS continues working on the other servers.
VPS has an extremely low cost, is flexible based on what upgrades or downgrades you need, has no wait times with instant deployment, and many more benefits. If you want to learn more about virtual private servers, watch this video!