When you need to find a place to rent, most people think about apartment complexes, duplexes, and rental homes. While these are common, there is another option many people do not think about or do not even realize exists. Finding apartments in private homes for rent can be a great way to find short-term lodging without a massive investment in a long-term rental agreement with a landlord. Whether you are renting a home in an extended BnB type of setup or are renting a spare room or space from a homeowner, there are some things to keep in mind. Just as you would have a checklist of things to make a note of before renting a traditional apartment, the same considerations need to be made as you look for apartments in private homes for rent in your area. Here are the key things to check before you make your final decision.
The Wiring
One critical piece of the apartment rental puzzle that has to be addressed is the wiring and electrical setup. You will want to ensure the wiring is up to date and that there are no major issues or concerns you need to be aware of. Wiring, hookups, connections, outlets, fuses, breaker boxes, and all critical access areas need to be checked and approved. Issues with the wires can lead to tripped breakers, fire hazards, and an increased risk of shock or injury. You will want to make sure you can use your devices without worrying about the power shutting off or getting a shock or starting a fire. Electrical checks are a must for any apartment rental review check.
The Plumbing
Checking all of the critical plumbing services is also an important item for any review of an apartment or rental property. Just as vital as the electrical system, without safe and reliable access to water, you will not be able to do your critical tasks such as washing, showering, or laundry. When you are comparing apartments in private homes for rent, you will need to take the time to make sure the plumbing system is up to date and in good working order. Ask about when it was last serviced and if there are any known issues with drains and leaks. Also, be sure to find out if the rental is hooked up to city sewer and water supplies or if it uses a well or septic system.
The HVAC System
If you live in a region with major differences between the seasons, you will want to ensure the HVAC system has recently been checked and serviced by a local heating and ac repair professional. In cooler months, you want to ensure you are not worried about waking up to no heat, and in the warmer months, you want to ensure you’re not sweating all day long. Routine maintenance is important to keeping the system running and protecting your health. Dirty fans and filters, clogged air ducts, and poorly functioning systems can lower air quality in the home and can actually make you sick. Don’t take the risk.
Structural Integrity
Even though you are not buying the home and are not going to be the owner of the property, you still will want to make sure the home is safe to live in. Depending on the age of the home, there is a chance that damage has been done, and that will need to be addressed. Leaks and storm damage, small structural issues, and minor problems can quickly build up and cause massive issues over time. Making sure the owner has worked with local water damage restoration services and repair contractors to keep the home in good shape is an essential part of finding apartments in private homes for rent. It’s something you cannot overlook or ignore.
The Roof
Not only is the roof one of the first parts of the home people see; it is also a vital line of defense for the home. Roof maintenance and repair services are vital to keeping the tiles, sheets, or shingles in good condition. When you are looking to rent a space, you will want to check and make sure the roof has been well-maintained over the years.
Regular roof repairs and maintenance need to have been properly executed, so be sure to talk to the homeowner about the work that has been done and what damages or issues are still being worked on. You will want the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and your possessions are protected from above.
The Windows and Doors
The windows and doors of the home are also worth taking note of and giving a closer inspection. More than just an aesthetic touch, the doors and windows can be a vital part of the overall home structure and security. Windows and doors allow access inside and outside the home and also serve to keep unwanted visitors out of the home. If you are searching for apartments in private homes for rent, asking about recent door and window replacements or upgrades is something to consider. You don’t want to get trapped in or out of the home because of stuck windows and faulty locks, so be sure to include this point on your inspection checklist.
The Pavement
A seldom thought-of but still vital part of the apartment checklist is to give the asphalt paving areas a good review. This includes the home’s driveway, walkways, paving stones, patios, and other asphalt areas. You will want to look for chips, cracks, loose pavers, and other issues that could impact the integrity of the home. Small cracks are normal, but if they are left too long, they can worsen and cause foundation and other issues that can cause significant problems down the road. It is important to make sure your vehicle, possessions, and yourself are safe while on the rental property and the pavement areas need to be included on that review list.
Signs of Pests
No one wants to live in a house with creepy crawly pests making their home there as well. When you are choosing between local apartments in private homes for rent, pest control practices and inspections are a must. You will want to make sure the homeowner has worked with a local pest control company on a regular basis to keep the home and property under control. Look for signs of common pests such as roaches, spiders, flies, ants, fleas, bedbugs, silverfish, and rats. Routine spraying and extermination services are a must to get any property rental ready and you will want to make sure this service is included in your rental terms.
Home Appliances
In most cases, if you are renting from a homeowner, then your space will come furnished with basic furniture. Or at the very least, you will be allowed to use the general home appliances such as the washer and dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, and so forth. You will need to take the time to ensure all appliances you will have access to have been properly maintained by local electricians. Ask the homeowner about the dishwasher, oven, stove, and washer repair service regimen. Make sure there are no known issues or problems with the appliances and if there are, be sure they are well documented, so you are not held responsible if something breaks while you are using it.
Security Systems
As you narrow down your list of apartments in private homes for rent and get closer to choosing the one that is right for you, make sure to think about the security of the home and apartment space. Is there a security system for the home? Is the space equipped with smoke and fire detectors? If there are control panels and alarms, make sure you know how to enter codes and disable alarms if necessary. Make sure any keys or locks you need access to are provided and ensure that the locks and handles and everything work as they should. You are going to be staying here for some time, so you will want to feel safe and secure while you do.
The Lawn and Gardens
Aside from the home itself, you will want to take a look at the property as a whole and check for potential issues or problems. The lawn and gardens on the property can impact how much you enjoy your stay and could help determine if the apartment space is right for you. Are you allergic to the type of grass? Are there flowers you have allergies to in the garden? Will you be expected to contribute to yard and garden maintenance? Is the yard well maintained or is overgrown and full of pests and bugs? These are things to check and consider when you are making your list of apartments you might be wanting to rent.
Safety Concerns
Many apartments in private homes for rent likely have some sort of security system in place, but there is more to being safe in a home than that. Look for signs of mold or water damage in out-of-the-way places. Ask about what the home was made of and if there’s a chance of asbestos being in the home. Depending on your area, ask about storm preparations and how the home handles issues such as wind, rain, or snow. Is the area known for a high rate of crime? How far away are the police and fire services? How long do emergency calls take to be answered? These questions can highlight safety concerns you should be aware of.
Privacy Levels
Renting an apartment space means giving up some level of privacy; that is just the nature of renting rather than buying. But you will still want some level of privacy in the area you are renting. It is important to establish early on what is and is not shared property and space. Make sure you have a certain degree of privacy and control over the space you are renting in the home and that your rights as a renter are not being violated. Ask if you are allowed to have locks on the door to your room or apartment space. Establish protocols if the homeowners need access to your space. Get any issues addressed and get it all in writing, so your privacy is protected.
Visitation Limitations
The final point to consider when looking for apartments in private homes for rent in your area is what limitations it will put on your social life. Many apartments have limitations on visitors and how long they can stay, and how many can be in one apartment at a time. Renting an apartment in a home can come with even greater restrictions. If you like having friends over and enjoy entertaining people, you will definitely want to make sure there is not a clash of interests between you and the homeowner you will be renting from. Make sure to get the visitation policy and restrictions in writing and ensure you both are on the same page and agree to visitation protocols.
Find the Best Apartments in Private Homes for Rent With the Right Approach
When you are searching for local apartments in private homes for rent, you likely have more options available than you think. Finding available rental spaces is usually not the issue, it is more about determining which one is the right fit for you and your unique needs and situation. By going over this handy checklist, you can ensure that all the vital points are covered and that everything is in good working order before you sign any rental agreement. This makes it easier to find the best solution to your lodging problem and will give you a balanced and equal way to compare the apartments in private homes for rent that you uncover in your area. Get started and make your own checklist based on the points here, and find the rental arrangement that is right for you!