The attached video compares marriage to a lottery, noting that 53% of new marriages in New York end in divorce. With such odds stacked against it, one would think there’s a manual about marriage to at least lower the chances of divorce. Unfortunately, none exists.
To minimize the chances of divorce, the video advises couples to marry someone they’re compatible with. This is crucial since people rarely change after getting married.
Before getting married, couples should communicate their expectations as early as possible. They should also talk about their finances. If prenup agreements are involved, there should be full financial disclosure before tying the knot.
Dating someone to date is different from looking for someone to marry. One might be excited at the prospect of having a boyfriend or girlfriend who’s a chef or pilot. However, when marrying them, such currently inconsequential details as long hours spent at work and spending time out of the country may be the very things that precipitate a divorce later.
Divorce brings out the worst in people, mainly because many people make it a winner-loser situation. In their attempt not to cede ground, they forget what matters, especially the collateral damage that comes with divorce proceedings. The crucial thing in such cases is to focus on the end goal, and a competent divorce lawyer for women deftly guides their clients towards this critical journey without getting bogged down by small fights and inconsequential wins. Arguably, there’s no other area of law with as much drama as family law. To ensure the best outcome, one should decide what they’re unwilling to cede ground to and what they don’t mind compromising on.