On average, a military family will move far more frequently than a civilian family. Military families tend to move every three years, which to say the least can be very stressful, no matter who you are. This might be your first military move, or your sixth, but whether you are new to the process or…
Author: admin
You Should Never Feel Bored in Rochester NY
To anyone finding themselves bored in Rochester NY, the Flower City, I can say only this; you are doing something wrong. Now more than ever, the great city of Rochester is one of the most vibrant, most dynamic cities in the entire country. The news may label the city one of crime and economic hardship,…
Are You Having Your Oil Checked Frequently Enough?
Did you know that two hundred million gallons of used oil are incorrectly disposed of each year according to the Environmental Protection Agency? Because motor oil is made from both petroleum based and non petroleum synthesized chemical compounds, it is important that it is disposed of properly. This is something to consider when choosing car…